2025 Citywide Graphic Arts Competition Rubric
Package Design
10 |
7 |
3 |
Adherence to theme |
The package design demonstrates complete understanding of the theme and reflects a creative connection.
The package design demonstrates an understanding of the theme adheres to it. |
The package design reflects some aspects but not a clear connection to the theme. |
The package design does not reflect the theme in any way. |
Originality |
Design demontstates origibal and creative thought in the use of layout, language and color.
Design demonstrates thought in the se of layout, language and color. |
Design reflects some aspects but not a clear connection in the use of layout, language and color. |
Design does not demonstrate appropriate thought in the use of layout, language or color. |
Clarity of message |
Ideas are expressed in a clear and organized fashion. It was easy to figure out what the package was about. |
Ideas are expressed in a clear manner, but the package’s organization could have been better. |
Ideas are somewhat organized but not very clear. It took more than one reading to figure out what the package was about. |
The design seemed to be a collection of unrelated ideas. It was very difficult to figure out what the package is about. |
Typography |
Typography supports the package theme in an original and readable manner.
Typography supports the package theme in an appropriate manner. |
Typography does not support the package theme but is clear and legible. |
The typography contain errors, omissions and inferior legibility. |
Illustration |
All of the art and images are used in an appropriate and exceptionally creative manner.
Most of the art and images are used in an appropriate manner. |
Some of the art and images are used in an appropriate manner. |
The art and images are not used in an appropriate manner. |
Construction |
The package is unique and well-constructed with all design elements present and well-conceived. |
The package is properly constructed with most design elements present. |
The package is constructed with some flaws in the design elements present.
The package construction is incomplete with missing design elements. |