2025 Citywide Graphic Arts Competition Rubric

Graphic Design

CATEGORY      Value:






Adherence to






The desktop design

demonstrates complete understanding of the theme and reflects a creative connection.


The desktop design

demonstrates an

understanding of the

theme and adheres to it.


The desktop design

reflects some aspects

but not a clear

connection to

the theme.


The desktop design

does not reflect the

theme in any way.





Design demonstrates

original and creative

thought in the use

of language,

layout and color.


Design demonstrates

thought in the use of

language, layout

and color.


Design reflects some

aspects but not a clear

connection in

the use of language,

layout and color.

Design does not


appropriate thought

in the use of language,

layout and color.

Clarity of message




Ideas are expressed in a clear and organized fashion. It was easy to figure out what the site was about.

Ideas are expressed in a clear manner, but the message’s organization could have been better


Ideas are somewhat

organized, but were

not very clear. It took

more that one reading

to figure out what the

message was about

The design seemed

to be a collection of

unrelated images

and text. It is very

difficult to figure out

what the message

is about.


Typography supports the theme in an original and readable manner.


Typography supports the theme in an appropriate and readable manner.


Typography does not

support the theme in

an appropriate manner but is readable.

Typography does not

support the theme in

an appropriate manner nor is it readable.


Information displays

reflective thought

and in-depth knowledge.


Information displays top-of-mind awareness but no reflective thought or in-depth knowledge.

Information displays

little relevant thought

or factual knowledge.

Information displays

no relevant thought

nor factual knowledge.

Spelling & Grammar

Complicated text is correctly spelled and grammatical

Text is correctly spelled and grammatical

Text is correctly spelled but is not grammatical

Text is not correctly spelled and is not grammatical



At least one line illustra-tion, such as a logo, is used in an appropriate and exceptionally creative manner.

At least one line

illustration, such as a

logo, is used in

an appropriate manner.

At least one line

illustration, such as a

logo, is used but not in an appropriate manner.

No line illustration,

such as a logo, is used.


At least one photo is

used in an appropriate and creative manner.

At least one photo

is used in an

appropriate manner.

At least one photo

is used but not in an

appropriate manner.

No photo is used.


Specifications meet

all assigned page sizes, non-styled fonts, links to 100% scale images, and

optimized resolutions.


Specifications are close to but not exact page sizes, non styled fonts, links to 100% scale images, and

optimized resolutions.


Specifications are close to but not exact page sizes, or use styled fonts, or links to non-100% scale images, or non-optimized resolutions.

Specifications are not

acceptable for page

sizes, or fonts,

or links to images,

or useable scales

or image resolutions.


Site can be optimally viewed with 56 kbps dial-up Internet access

Final layout is only

ready for Postscript

desktop output.

Final layout is only

ready for non-Postscript

desktop output.

Final layout is not

ready for any form

of print output.